Porunga Dragon Ball 1

Porunga Dragon Ball Guide

Start Date
Set 1
Porunga Dragon Ball 1
Clear "Study Hard, Play Hard! Turtle School's Intensive Training" once.
Porunga Dragon Ball 2
Exchange "Wish Strip 7" for a character once!
Porunga Dragon Ball 3
Clear any stage with at least 1 "Realm of Gods" Category character on your team!
Porunga Dragon Ball 4
Summon on Friend Summon.
Porunga Dragon Ball 5
Consume 77 STA!
Porunga Dragon Ball 6
Level up any Super Attack once!
Porunga Dragon Ball 7
Use a team of all the same Type!

Set 2
Porunga Dragon Ball 1
Z-Awaken 1 character!
Porunga Dragon Ball 2
Click on the secret banner image (at the end of the bottom images at the home screen)
Porunga Dragon Ball 3
Dokkan Awaken any character!
Porunga Dragon Ball 4
Clear any stage once with a Rainbow Team! (Once of each type)
Porunga Dragon Ball 5
Collect 7 Rainbow Ki Spheres and clear a stage!
Porunga Dragon Ball 6
Use a Training Location once!
Porunga Dragon Ball 7
Tap the Scouter in the top right corner of the SUMMON screen!

Set 3
Porunga Dragon Ball 1
Purchase goods at Baba's Shop with Trade Pts!
Porunga Dragon Ball 2
Level up any Link Skill 1 time!
Porunga Dragon Ball 3
Use a Support Memory once!
Porunga Dragon Ball 4
Clear any stage with at least 1 "Ally of Justice" Category character on your team!
Porunga Dragon Ball 5
Clear a stage without receiving any damage!
Porunga Dragon Ball 6
Clear any stage once with a Extreme Rainbow Team! (Once of each Extreme type)
Porunga Dragon Ball 7
Clear a stage in under 1 minute.